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fs.py (26597B)

      1 import collections
      2 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
      3 import re
      5 from pyxp import *
      6 from pyxp.client import *
      7 from pygmi import *
      8 from pygmi.util import prop
     10 __all__ = ('wmii', 'Tags', 'Tag', 'Area', 'Frame', 'Client',
     11            'Button', 'Colors', 'Color', 'Toggle', 'Always', 'Never')
     13 spacere = re.compile(r'\s')
     14 sentinel = {}
     16 def tounicode(obj):
     17     if isinstance(obj, str):
     18         return obj.decode('UTF-8')
     19     return unicode(obj)
     21 class utf8(object):
     22     def __str__(self):
     23         return unicode(self).encode('utf-8')
     25 @apply
     26 class Toggle(utf8):
     27     def __unicode__(self):
     28         return unicode(self.__class__.__name__)
     29 @apply
     30 class Always(Toggle.__class__):
     31     pass
     32 @apply
     33 class Never(Toggle.__class__):
     34     pass
     36 def constrain(min, max, val):
     37     return min if val < min else max if val > max else val
     39 class Map(collections.Mapping):
     40     def __init__(self, cls, *args):
     41         self.cls = cls
     42         self.args = args
     43     def __repr__(self):
     44         return 'Map(%s%s)' % (self.cls.__name__, (', %s' % ', '.join(map(repr, self.args)) if self.args else ''))
     45     def __getitem__(self, item):
     46         ret = self.cls(*(self.args + (item,)))
     47         if not ret.exists:
     48             raise KeyError('no such %s %s' % (self.cls.__name__.lower(), repr(item)))
     49         return ret
     50     def __len__(self):
     51         return len(iter(self))
     52     def __keys__(self):
     53         return [v for v in self.cls.all(*self.args)]
     54     def __iter__(self):
     55         return (v for v in self.cls.all(*self.args))
     56     def iteritems(self):
     57         return ((v, self.cls(*(self.args + (v,)))) for v in self.cls.all(*self.args))
     58     def itervalues(self):
     59         return (self.cls(*(self.args + (v,))) for v in self.cls.all(*self.args))
     61 class Ctl(object):
     62     """
     63     An abstract class to represent the 'ctl' files of the wmii filesystem.
     64     Instances act as live, writable dictionaries of the settings represented
     65     in the file.
     67     Abstract roperty ctl_path: The path to the file represented by this
     68             control.
     69     Property ctl_hasid: When true, the first line of the represented
     70             file is treated as an id, rather than a key-value pair. In this
     71             case, the value is available via the 'id' property.
     72     Property ctl_types: A dict mapping named dictionary keys to two valued
     73             tuples, each containing a decoder and encoder function for the
     74             property's plain text value.
     75     """
     76     ctl_types = {}
     77     ctl_hasid = False
     78     ctl_open = 'aopen'
     79     ctl_file = None
     81     def __eq__(self, other):
     82         if self.ctl_hasid and isinstance(other, Ctl) and other.ctl_hasid:
     83             return self.id == other.id
     84         return False
     86     def __init__(self):
     87         self.cache = {}
     89     def ctl(self, *args):
     90         """
     91         Arguments are joined by ascii spaces and written to the ctl file.
     92         """
     93         def next(file):
     94             if file:
     95                 self.ctl_file = file
     96                 file.awrite(u' '.join(map(tounicode, args)))
     97         if self.ctl_file:
     98             return next(self.ctl_file)
     99         getattr(client, self.ctl_open)(self.ctl_path, callback=next, mode=OWRITE)
    101     def __getitem__(self, key):
    102         for line in self.ctl_lines():
    103             key_, rest = line.split(' ', 1)
    104             if key_ == key:
    105                 if key in self.ctl_types:
    106                     return self.ctl_types[key][0](rest)
    107                 return rest
    108         raise KeyError()
    109     def __hasitem__(self, key):
    110         return key in self.keys()
    111     def __setitem__(self, key, val):
    112         assert '\n' not in key
    113         self.cache[key] = val
    114         if key in self.ctl_types:
    115             if self.ctl_types[key][1] is None:
    116                 raise NotImplementedError('%s: %s is not writable' % (self.ctl_path, key))
    117             val = self.ctl_types[key][1](val)
    118         self.ctl(key, val)
    120     def get(self, key, default=sentinel):
    121         """
    122         Gets the instance's dictionary value for 'key'. If the key doesn't
    123         exist, 'default' is returned. If 'default' isn't provided and the key
    124         doesn't exist, a KeyError is raised.
    125         """
    126         try:
    127             return self[key]
    128         except KeyError, e:
    129             if default is not self.sentinel:
    130                 return default
    131             raise e
    132     def set(self, key, val):
    133         """
    134         Sets the dictionary value for 'key' to 'val', as self[key] = val
    135         """
    136         self[key] = val
    138     def keys(self):
    139         return [line.split(' ', 1)[0]
    140                 for line in self.ctl_lines()]
    141     def iteritems(self):
    142         return (tuple(line.split(' ', 1))
    143                 for line in self.ctl_lines())
    144     def items(self):
    145         return [tuple(line.split(' ', 1))
    146                 for line in self.ctl_lines()]
    148     def ctl_lines(self):
    149         """
    150         Returns the lines of the ctl file as a tuple, with the first line
    151         stripped if #ctl_hasid is set.
    152         """
    153         lines = tuple(client.readlines(self.ctl_path))
    154         if self.ctl_hasid:
    155             lines = lines[1:]
    156         return lines
    158     _id = None
    159     @prop(doc="If #ctl_hasid is set, returns the id of this ctl file.")
    160     def id(self):
    161         if self._id is None and self.ctl_hasid:
    162             return self.name_read(client.read(self.ctl_path).split('\n', 1)[0])
    163         return self._id
    165 class Dir(Ctl):
    166     """
    167     An abstract class representing a directory in the wmii filesystem with a
    168     ctl file and sub-objects.
    170     Abstract property base_path: The path directly under which all objects
    171             represented by this class reside. e.g., /client, /tag
    172     """
    173     ctl_hasid = True
    174     name_read = unicode
    175     name_write = unicode
    177     def __init__(self, id):
    178         """
    179         Initializes the directory object.
    181         Param id: The id of the object in question. If 'sel', the object
    182                 dynamically represents the selected object, even as it
    183                 changes. In this case, #id will return the actual ID of the
    184                 object.
    185         """
    186         super(Dir, self).__init__()
    187         if isinstance(id, Dir):
    188             id = id.id
    189         if id != 'sel':
    190             self._id = self.name_read(id)
    192     def __eq__(self, other):
    193         return (self.__class__ == other.__class__ and
    194                 self.id == other.id)
    196     class ctl_property(object):
    197         """
    198         A class which maps instance properties to ctl file properties.
    199         """
    200         def __init__(self, key):
    201             self.key = key
    202         def __get__(self, dir, cls):
    203             return dir.get(self.key, None)
    204         def __set__(self, dir, val):
    205             dir[self.key] = val
    207     class toggle_property(ctl_property):
    208         """
    209         A class which maps instance properties to ctl file properties. The
    210         values True and False map to the strings "on" and "off" in the
    211         filesystem.
    212         """
    213         props = {
    214             'on': True,
    215             'off': False,
    216             'toggle': Toggle,
    217             'always': Always,
    218             'never': Never
    219         }
    220         def __get__(self, dir, cls):
    221             val = dir[self.key]
    222             if val in self.props:
    223                 return self.props[val]
    224             return val
    225         def __set__(self, dir, val):
    226             for k, v in self.props.iteritems():
    227                 if v == val:
    228                     val = k
    229                     break
    230             dir[self.key] = val
    232     class file_property(object):
    233         """
    234         A class which maps instance properties to files in the directory
    235         represented by this object.
    236         """
    237         def __init__(self, name, writable=False):
    238             self.name = name
    239             self.writable = writable
    240         def __get__(self, dir, cls):
    241             return client.read('%s/%s' % (dir.path, self.name))
    242         def __set__(self, dir, val):
    243             if not self.writable:
    244                 raise NotImplementedError('File %s is not writable' % self.name)
    245             return client.awrite('%s/%s' % (dir.path, self.name),
    246                                  str(val))
    248     @prop(doc="The path to this directory's ctl file")
    249     def ctl_path(self):
    250         return '%s/ctl' % self.path
    252     @prop(doc="The path to this directory")
    253     def path(self):
    254         return '%s/%s' % (self.base_path, self.name_write(self._id or 'sel'))
    255     @prop(doc="True if the given object exists in the wmii filesystem")
    256     def exists(self):
    257         return bool(client.stat(self.path))
    259     @classmethod
    260     def all(cls):
    261         """
    262         Returns all of the objects that exist for this type of directory.
    263         """
    264         return (cls.name_read(s.name)
    265                 for s in client.readdir(cls.base_path)
    266                 if s.name != 'sel')
    267     @classmethod
    268     def map(cls, *args):
    269         return Map(cls, *args)
    271     def __repr__(self):
    272         return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__,
    273                            repr(self._id or 'sel'))
    275 class Client(Dir):
    276     """
    277     A class which represents wmii clients. Maps to the directories directly
    278     below /client.
    279     """
    280     base_path = '/client'
    281     ctl_types = {
    282         'group': (lambda s: int(s, 16), str),
    283         'pid': (int, None),
    284     }
    285     @staticmethod
    286     def name_read(name):
    287         if isinstance(name, int):
    288             return name
    289         try:
    290             return int(name, 16)
    291         except:
    292             return unicode(name)
    293     name_write = lambda self, name: name if isinstance(name, basestring) else '%#x' % name
    295     allow  = Dir.ctl_property('allow')
    296     fullscreen = Dir.toggle_property('fullscreen')
    297     group  = Dir.ctl_property('group')
    298     pid    = Dir.ctl_property('pid')
    299     tags   = Dir.ctl_property('tags')
    300     urgent = Dir.toggle_property('urgent')
    302     label = Dir.file_property('label', writable=True)
    303     props = Dir.file_property('props')
    305     def kill(self):
    306         """Politely asks a client to quit."""
    307         self.ctl('kill')
    309     def slay(self):
    310         """Forcibly severs a client's connection to the X server."""
    311         self.ctl('slay')
    313 class liveprop(object):
    314     def __init__(self, get):
    315         self.get = get
    316         self.attr = str(self)
    317     def __get__(self, area, cls):
    318         if getattr(area, self.attr, sentinel) is not sentinel:
    319             return getattr(area, self.attr)
    320         return self.get(area)
    321     def __set__(self, area, val):
    322         setattr(area, self.attr, val)
    324 class Area(object):
    325     def __init__(self, tag, ord, screen='sel', offset=sentinel, width=sentinel, height=sentinel, frames=sentinel):
    326         self.tag = tag
    327         if ':' in str(ord):
    328             screen, ord = ord.split(':', 2)
    329         self.ord = str(ord)
    330         self.screen = str(screen)
    331         self.offset = offset
    332         self.width = width
    333         self.height = height
    334         self.frames = frames
    336     def prop(key):
    337         @liveprop
    338         def prop(self):
    339             for area in self.tag.index:
    340                 if str(area.ord) == str(self.ord):
    341                     return getattr(area, key)
    342         return prop
    343     offset = prop('offset')
    344     width = prop('width')
    345     height = prop('height')
    346     frames = prop('frames')
    348     @property
    349     def spec(self):
    350         if self.screen is not None:
    351             return '%s:%s' % (self.screen, self.ord)
    352         return self.ord
    354     @property
    355     def mode(self):
    356         for k, v in self.tag.iteritems():
    357             if k == 'colmode':
    358                 v = v.split(' ')
    359                 if v[0] == self.ord:
    360                     return v[1]
    361     @mode.setter
    362     def mode(self, val):
    363         self.tag['colmode %s' % self.spec] = val
    365     def grow(self, dir, amount=None):
    366         self.tag.grow(self, dir, amount)
    367     def nudge(self, dir, amount=None):
    368         self.tag.nudge(self, dir, amount)
    370 class Frame(object):
    371     live = False
    373     def __init__(self, client, area=sentinel, ord=sentinel, offset=sentinel, height=sentinel):
    374         self.client = client
    375         self.ord = ord
    376         self.offset = offset
    377         self.height = height
    379     @property
    380     def width(self):
    381         return self.area.width
    383     def prop(key):
    384         @liveprop
    385         def prop(self):
    386             for area in self.tag.index:
    387                 for frame in area.frames:
    388                     if frame.client == self.client:
    389                         return getattr(frame, key)
    390         return prop
    391     offset = prop('area')
    392     offset = prop('ord')
    393     offset = prop('offset')
    394     height = prop('height')
    396     def grow(self, dir, amount=None):
    397         self.area.tag.grow(self, dir, amount)
    398     def nudge(self, dir, amount=None):
    399         self.area.tag.nudge(self, dir, amount)
    401 class Tag(Dir):
    402     base_path = '/tag'
    404     @classmethod
    405     def framespec(cls, frame):
    406         if isinstance(frame, Frame):
    407             frame = frame.client
    408         if isinstance(frame, Area):
    409             frame = (frame.ord, 'sel')
    410         if isinstance(frame, Client):
    411             if frame._id is None:
    412                 return 'sel sel'
    413             return 'client %s' % frame.id
    414         elif isinstance(frame, basestring):
    415             return frame
    416         else:
    417             return '%s %s' % tuple(map(str, frame))
    418     def dirspec(cls, dir):
    419         if isinstance(dir, tuple):
    420             dir = ' '.join(dir)
    421         return dir
    423     @property
    424     def selected(self):
    425         return tuple(self['select'].split(' '))
    426     @selected.setter
    427     def selected(self, frame):
    428         if not isinstance(frame, basestring) or ' ' not in frame:
    429             frame = self.framespec(frame)
    430         self['select'] = frame
    432     @property
    433     def selclient(self):
    434         for k, v in self.iteritems():
    435             if k == 'select' and 'client' in v:
    436                 return Client(v.split(' ')[1])
    437         return None
    438     @selclient.setter
    439     def selclient(self, val):
    440         self['select'] = self.framespec(val)
    442     @property
    443     def selcol(self):
    444         return Area(self, self.selected[0])
    446     @property
    447     def index(self):
    448         areas = []
    449         for l in (l.split(' ')
    450                   for l in client.readlines('%s/index' % self.path)
    451                   if l):
    452             if l[0] == '#':
    453                 m = re.match(r'(?:(\d+):)?(\d+|~)', l[1])
    454                 if m.group(2) == '~':
    455                     area = Area(tag=self, screen=m.group(1), ord=l[1], width=l[2],
    456                                 height=l[3], frames=[])
    457                 else:
    458                     area = Area(tag=self, screen=m.group(1) or 0,
    459                                 height=None, ord=m.group(2), offset=l[2], width=l[3],
    460                                 frames=[])
    461                 areas.append(area)
    462                 i = 0
    463             else:
    464                 area.frames.append(
    465                     Frame(client=Client(l[1]), area=area, ord=i,
    466                           offset=l[2], height=l[3]))
    467                 i += 1
    468         return areas
    470     def delete(self):
    471         id = self.id
    472         for a in self.index:
    473             for f in a.frames:
    474                 if f.client.tags == id:
    475                     f.client.kill()
    476                 else:
    477                     f.client.tags = '-%s' % id
    478         if self == Tag('sel'):
    479             Tags.instance.select(Tags.instance.next())
    481     def select(self, frame, stack=False):
    482         self['select'] = '%s %s' % (
    483             self.framespec(frame),
    484             stack and 'stack' or '')
    486     def send(self, src, dest, stack=False, cmd='send'):
    487         if isinstance(src, tuple):
    488             src = ' '.join(src)
    489         if isinstance(src, Frame):
    490             src = src.client
    491         if isinstance(src, Client):
    492             src = src._id or 'sel'
    494         if isinstance(dest, tuple):
    495             dest = ' '.join(dest)
    497         self[cmd] = '%s %s' % (src, dest)
    499     def swap(self, src, dest):
    500         self.send(src, dest, cmd='swap')
    502     def nudge(self, frame, dir, amount=None):
    503         frame = self.framespec(frame)
    504         self['nudge'] = '%s %s %s' % (frame, dir, str(amount or ''))
    505     def grow(self, frame, dir, amount=None):
    506         frame = self.framespec(frame)
    507         self['grow'] = '%s %s %s' % (frame, dir, str(amount or ''))
    509 class Color(utf8):
    510     def __init__(self, colors):
    511         if isinstance(colors, Color):
    512             colors = colors.rgb
    513         elif isinstance(colors, basestring):
    514             match = (re.match(r'^#(..)(..)(..)((?:..)?)$', colors) or
    515                      re.match(r'^rgba:(..)/(..)/(..)/(..)$', colors))
    516             colors = tuple(int(match.group(group), 16) for group in range(1, 4))
    517             if match.group(4):
    518                 colors += int(match.group(4), 16),
    519         def toint(val):
    520             if isinstance(val, float):
    521                 val = int(255 * val)
    522             assert 0 <= val <= 255
    523             return val
    524         self.rgb = tuple(map(toint, colors))
    526     def __getitem__(self, key):
    527         if isinstance(key, basestring):
    528             key = {'red': 0, 'green': 1, 'blue': 2}[key]
    529         return self.rgb[key]
    531     @property
    532     def hex(self):
    533         if len(self.rgb) > 3:
    534             return 'rgba:%02x/%02x/%02x/%02x' % self.rgb
    535         return '#%02x%02x%02x' % self.rgb
    537     def __unicode__(self):
    538         if len(self.rgb) > 3:
    539             return 'rgba(%d, %d, %d, %d)' % self.rgb
    540         return 'rgb(%d, %d, %d)' % self.rgb
    541     def __repr__(self):
    542         return 'Color(%s)' % repr(self.rgb)
    544 class Colors(utf8):
    545     def __init__(self, foreground=None, background=None, border=None):
    546         vals = foreground, background, border
    547         self.vals = tuple(map(Color, vals))
    549     def __iter__(self):
    550         return iter(self.vals)
    551     def __list__(self):
    552         return list(self.vals)
    553     def __tuple__(self):
    554         return self.vals
    556     @classmethod
    557     def from_string(cls, val):
    558         return cls(*val.split(' '))
    560     def __getitem__(self, key):
    561         if isinstance(key, basestring):
    562             key = {'foreground': 0, 'background': 1, 'border': 2}[key]
    563         return self.vals[key]
    565     def __unicode__(self):
    566         return ' '.join(c.hex for c in self.vals)
    567     def __repr__(self):
    568         return 'Colors(%s, %s, %s)' % tuple(repr(c.rgb) for c in self.vals)
    570 class Button(Ctl):
    571     sides = {
    572         'left': 'lbar',
    573         'right': 'rbar',
    574     }
    575     ctl_types = {
    576         'colors': (Colors.from_string, lambda c: str(Colors(*c))),
    577     }
    578     ctl_open = 'acreate'
    579     colors = Dir.ctl_property('colors')
    580     label  = Dir.ctl_property('label')
    582     def __init__(self, side, name, colors=None, label=None):
    583         super(Button, self).__init__()
    584         self.side = side
    585         self.name = name
    586         self.base_path = self.sides[side]
    587         self.ctl_path = '%s/%s' % (self.base_path, self.name)
    588         self.ctl_file = None
    589         if colors or label:
    590             self.create(colors, label)
    592     def create(self, colors=None, label=None):
    593         if not self.ctl_file:
    594             self.ctl_file = client.create(self.ctl_path, ORDWR)
    595         if colors:
    596             self.colors = colors
    597         if label:
    598             self.label = label
    600     def remove(self):
    601         if self.ctl_file:
    602             self.ctl_file.aremove()
    603             self.ctl_file = None
    605     @property
    606     def exists(self):
    607         return bool(self.file.stat() if self.file else client.stat(self.ctl_path))
    609     @classmethod
    610     def all(cls, side):
    611         return (s.name
    612                 for s in client.readdir(cls.sides[side])
    613                 if s.name != 'sel')
    614     @classmethod
    615     def map(cls, *args):
    616         return Map(cls, *args)
    618 class Rules(collections.MutableMapping, utf8):
    620     _items = ()
    621     def __init__(self, path, rules=None):
    622         self.path = path
    623         if rules:
    624             self.setitems(rules)
    626     _quotere = re.compile(ur'(\\(.)|/)')
    627     @classmethod
    628     def quoteslash(cls, str):
    629         return cls._quotere.sub(lambda m: m.group(0) if m.group(2) else r'\/', str)
    631     __get__ = lambda self, obj, cls: self
    632     def __set__(self, obj, val):
    633         self.setitems(val)
    635     def __getitem__(self, key):
    636         for k, v in self.iteritems():
    637             if k == key:
    638                 return v
    639         raise KeyError()
    640     def __setitem__(self, key, val):
    641         items = [(k, v) for k, v in self.iteritems() if k != key]
    642         items.append((key, val))
    643         self.setitems(items)
    644     def __delitem__(self, key):
    645         self.setitems((k, v) for k, v in self.iteritems() if k != key)
    647     def __len__(self):
    648         return len(tuple(self.iteritems()))
    649     def __iter__(self):
    650         return (k for k, v in self.iteritems())
    651     def __list__(self):
    652         return list(iter(self))
    653     def __tuple__(self):
    654         return tuple(iter(self))
    656     def append(self, item):
    657         self.setitems(self + (item,))
    658     def __add__(self, items):
    659         return tuple(self.iteritems()) + tuple(items)
    661     def rewrite(self):
    662         client.awrite(self.path, unicode(self))
    663     def setitems(self, items):
    664         self._items = [(k, v if isinstance(v, Rule) else Rule(self, k, v))
    665                        for (k, v) in items]
    666         self.rewrite()
    668     def __unicode__(self):
    669         return u''.join(unicode(value) for (key, value) in self.iteritems()) or u'\n'
    671     def iteritems(self):
    672         return iter(self._items)
    673     def items(self):
    674         return list(self._items())
    676 class Rule(collections.MutableMapping, utf8):
    677     _items = ()
    678     parent = None
    680     @classmethod
    681     def quotekey(cls, key):
    682         if key.endswith('_'):
    683             key = key[:-1]
    684         return key.replace('_', '-')
    685     @classmethod
    686     def quotevalue(cls, val):
    687         if val is True:   return "on"
    688         if val is False:  return "off"
    689         if val in (Toggle, Always, Never):
    690             return unicode(val).lower()
    691         return tounicode(val)
    693     def __get__(self, obj, cls):
    694         return self
    695     def __set__(self, obj, val):
    696         self.setitems(val)
    698     def __init__(self, parent, key, items={}):
    699         self.key = key
    700         self._items = []
    701         self.setitems(items.iteritems() if isinstance(items, dict) else items)
    702         self.parent = parent
    704     def __getitem__(self, key):
    705         for k, v in reversed(self._items):
    706             if k == key:
    707                 return v
    708         raise KeyError()
    710     def __setitem__(self, key, val):
    711         items = [(k, v) for k, v in self.iteritems() if k != key]
    712         items.append((key, val))
    713         self.setitems(items)
    715     def __delitem__(self, key):
    716         self.setitems([(k, v) for k, v in self.iteritems() if k != key])
    718     def __len__(self):
    719         return len(self._items)
    720     def __iter__(self):
    721         return iter(self._items)
    722     def __list__(self):
    723         return list(iter(self))
    724     def __tuple__(self):
    725         return tuple(iter(self))
    727     def append(self, item):
    728         self.setitems(self + (item,))
    729     def __add__(self, items):
    730         return tuple(self.iteritems()) + tuple(items)
    732     def setitems(self, items):
    733         items = list(items)
    734         assert not any('=' in key or
    735                        spacere.search(self.quotekey(key)) or
    736                        spacere.search(self.quotevalue(val)) for (key, val) in items)
    737         self._items = items
    738         if self.parent:
    739             self.parent.rewrite()
    741     def __unicode__(self):
    742         return u'/%s/ %s\n' % (
    743             Rules.quoteslash(self.key),
    744             u' '.join(u'%s=%s' % (self.quotekey(k), self.quotevalue(v))
    745                       for (k, v) in self.iteritems()))
    747     def iteritems(self):
    748         return iter(self._items)
    749     def items(self):
    750         return list(self._items)
    753 @apply
    754 class wmii(Ctl):
    755     ctl_path = '/ctl'
    756     ctl_types = {
    757         'normcolors': (Colors.from_string, lambda c: str(Colors(*c))),
    758         'focuscolors': (Colors.from_string, lambda c: str(Colors(*c))),
    759         'border': (int, str),
    760     }
    762     clients = Client.map()
    763     tags = Tag.map()
    764     lbuttons = Button.map('left')
    765     rbuttons = Button.map('right')
    767     rules    = Rules('/rules')
    769 class Tags(object):
    770     PREV = []
    771     NEXT = []
    773     def __init__(self, normcol=None, focuscol=None):
    774         self.ignore = set()
    775         self.tags = {}
    776         self.sel = None
    777         self.normcol = normcol
    778         self.focuscol = focuscol
    779         self.lastselect = datetime.now()
    780         for t in wmii.tags:
    781             self.add(t)
    782         for b in wmii.lbuttons.itervalues():
    783             if b.name not in self.tags:
    784                 b.remove()
    785         self.focus(Tag('sel').id)
    787         self.mru = [self.sel.id]
    788         self.idx = -1
    789         Tags.instance = self
    791     def add(self, tag):
    792         self.tags[tag] = Tag(tag)
    793         self.tags[tag].button = Button('left', tag, self.normcol or wmii.cache['normcolors'], tag)
    794     def delete(self, tag):
    795         self.tags.pop(tag).button.remove()
    797     def focus(self, tag):
    798         self.sel = self.tags[tag]
    799         self.sel.button.colors = self.focuscol or wmii.cache['focuscolors']
    800     def unfocus(self, tag):
    801         self.tags[tag].button.colors = self.normcol or wmii.cache['normcolors']
    803     def set_urgent(self, tag, urgent=True):
    804         self.tags[tag].button.label = urgent and '*' + tag or tag
    806     def next(self, reverse=False):
    807         tags = [t for t in wmii.tags if t not in self.ignore]
    808         tags.append(tags[0])
    809         if reverse:
    810             tags.reverse()
    811         for i in range(0, len(tags)):
    812             if tags[i] == self.sel.id:
    813                 return tags[i+1]
    814         return self.sel
    816     def select(self, tag, take_client=None):
    817         def goto(tag):
    818             if take_client:
    819                 # Make a new instance in case this is Client('sel'),
    820                 # which would cause problems given 'sel' changes in the
    821                 # process.
    822                 client = Client(take_client.id)
    824                 sel = Tag('sel').id
    825                 client.tags = '+%s' % tag
    826                 wmii['view'] = tag
    827                 if tag != sel:
    828                     client.tags = '-%s' % sel
    829             else:
    830                 wmii['view'] = tag
    832         if tag is self.PREV:
    833             if self.sel.id not in self.ignore:
    834                 self.idx -= 1
    835         elif tag is self.NEXT:
    836             self.idx += 1
    837         else:
    838             if isinstance(tag, Tag):
    839                 tag = tag.id
    840             goto(tag)
    842             if tag not in self.ignore:
    843                 if self.idx < -1:
    844                     self.mru = self.mru[:self.idx + 1]
    845                     self.idx = -1
    846                 if self.mru and datetime.now() - self.lastselect < timedelta(seconds=.5):
    847                     self.mru[self.idx] = tag
    848                 elif tag != self.mru[-1]:
    849                     self.mru.append(tag)
    850                     self.mru = self.mru[-10:]
    851                 self.lastselect = datetime.now()
    852             return
    854         self.idx = constrain(-len(self.mru), -1, self.idx)
    855         goto(self.mru[self.idx])
    857 # vim:se sts=4 sw=4 et: