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event.b (2797B)

      1 implement Event;
      3 include "sys.m";
      4 	sys: Sys;
      5 	OREAD, OWRITE: import Sys;
      6 	print, sprint, read, open: import sys;
      7 include "draw.m";
      8 include "string.m";
      9 	str: String;
     10 include "bufio.m";
     11 	bufio: Bufio;
     12 	Iobuf: import bufio;
     13 include "lists.m";
     14 	lists: Lists;
     15 	append, reverse: import lists;
     16 include "regex.m";
     17 	regex: Regex;
     18 	Re: import regex;
     19 include "sh.m";
     20 	sh: Sh;
     22 Event: module
     23 {
     24 	init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string);
     25 };
     27 line: chan of string;
     29 suicide()
     30 {
     31 	fd := open(sprint("/proc/%d/pgrp", sys->pctl(0, nil)), OWRITE);
     32 	sys->fprint(fd, "kill");
     33 }
     35 buflines(in, out: chan of string)
     36 {
     37 	lines: list of string;
     38 	for(;;) {
     39 		if(lines == nil)
     40 			lines = <-in :: nil;
     41 		alt {
     42 		l := <-in =>
     43 			lines = append(lines, l);
     44 		out <-= hd lines =>
     45 			if(hd lines == nil)
     46 				suicide();
     47 			lines = tl lines;
     48 		}
     49 	}
     50 }
     52 readlines(c: chan of string, fd: ref sys->FD)
     53 {
     54 	out := chan of string;
     56 	spawn buflines(out, c);
     58 	b := bufio->fopen(fd, OREAD);
     59 	while((s := b.gets('\n')) != nil)
     60 		out <-= s;
     61 	out <-= nil;
     62 }
     64 readfile(file: string): (string, int)
     65 {
     66 	fd := open(file, OREAD);
     67 	if(fd == nil)
     68 		return ("", 0);
     70 	ret := "";
     71 	buf := array[512] of byte;
     72 	while((n := read(fd, buf, len buf)) > 0)
     73 		ret += string buf[:n];
     74 	return (ret, 1);
     75 }
     77 ishex(s: string): int
     78 {
     79 	if(len s < 3 || s[0:2] != "0x")
     80 		return 0;
     81 	s = s[2:];
     82 	(nil, end) := str->toint(s, 16);
     83 	return end == nil;
     84 }
     86 init(draw: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string)
     87 {
     88 	sys = load Sys Sys->PATH;
     89 	str = load String String->PATH;
     90 	bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH;
     91 	lists = load Lists "/dis/lib/lists.dis";
     92 	regex = load Regex Regex->PATH;
     93 	sh = load Sh Sh->PATH;
     95 	sys->pctl(sys->NEWPGRP, nil);
     97 	sh->system(draw, "mount -A {os rc -c 'exec dial $WMII_ADDRESS' >[1=0]} /mnt/wmii &");
     99 	line = chan of string;
    100 	spawn readlines(line, sys->fildes(0));
    102 	relist: list of ref (Re, int);
    104 	argv = tl argv;
    105 	for(; argv != nil; argv = tl argv) {
    106 		vflag := 0;
    107 		if(hd argv == "-v") {
    108 			argv = tl argv;
    109 			vflag = 1;
    110 		}
    111 		(re, err) := regex->compile(hd argv, 0);
    112 		if(err != nil)
    113 			raise sprint("bad regex %q: %s", hd argv, err);
    114 		relist = ref (re, vflag) :: relist;
    115 	}
    117 	relist = reverse(relist);
    119 line:	for(;;) {
    120 		lin := <-line;
    121 		if(lin == nil)
    122 			break;
    123 		l := str->unquoted(lin);
    124 		if(l == nil)
    125 			continue;
    127 		(evn, end) := str->toint(hd l, 10);
    128 		if(end == nil) {
    129 			for(rel := relist; rel != nil; rel = tl relist) {
    130 				(re, vflag) := *(hd rel);
    131 				match := regex->execute(re, lin);
    132 				if((match == nil) != vflag)
    133 					continue line;
    134 			}
    135 			print("%s", lin);
    136 			for(; l != nil; l = tl l) {
    137 				(k, v) := str->splitstrr(hd l, "=");
    138 				if(ishex(v)) {
    139 					(name, ok) := readfile(sprint("/mnt/wmii/client/%s/props", v));
    140 					if(ok)
    141 						print("%d	%s%s\n", evn, k, name);
    142 				}
    143 			}
    144 		}else
    145 			print("%s", lin);
    146 	}
    147 }